
There are expenses for running a community such as ASOT which can add up to quite a bit over the year. In no way do we expect members to donate to the community and it is not a joining requirement.

Any donations are appreciated and will entirely go towards covering the costs of the community.

What is a donation?

A donation is a gift given without return consideration. This means that, you as the donator, expect no returned item to be given now or in the future.

How does ASOT use donations?

All donations given to ASOT enter an account used to pay for server related bills such as; the Virtual Server, ArmAclans, teamspeak licences and website domains.

What will your donation to ASOT give you?

At this stage, due to the nature of our community and Bohemia’s EULA in regards to in-game rewards, nothing will be given to you as a donator on our servers.

Where do I donate?

Donate via the secure Paypal donation button below. This will take you off our site and process your donation.

Conditions of donating.

By donating money to ASOT ( you agree that:

- Under no circumstance will your donation be disputed or refunded
- Any incentive for donation can be removed, edited or added without notice
- Your donation does not in any way exempt you from following the SOP’s and rules expected of other
- Your donation does not elevate any potential opportunity you may receive in the community (ASOT)
- Any incentive given for your donation is a privilege and, under any circumstance, may be removed or amended
at any time without notice.
- Your donation is a contribution to ASOT, held on behalf of Money sent to this
account is used for the sole purpose of paying for the server costs and operating expenses of


Thank-you very much for your donation. It is truly appreciated.