Lance Bombardier Billet Ranks (Artillery Corps)

Junior Lance Bombardier

The rank of Junior Lance Bombardier is the first
rank within the lance corporal billet. Members with this rank are often given the responsibility of being a team leader and in charge of 2-5 gunners. They also work closely with their section leader to manage and command their section in and out of operations.

Lance Bombardier

The rank of Lance Bombardier is awarded to members who have reached the required billet points for promotion. Lance Bombardier shows that the member has grown in skills and continued to show dedication to the unit.

Lance Bombardier Proficient

The rank of Lance Bombardier Proficient is achieved once members have achieved the required billet points. Lance Bombardier Proficients’ are held in high regard as they have shown immense commitment to the unit whilst also showing high levels of proficiency in their respective call sign.

Leading Lance Bombardier

Leading Lance Bombardier is the second highest achievable rank of the within the Lance Bombardier billet. This rank demonstrates an extremely high level of time, dedication and commitment to ASOT and their respective call signs. These members are deemed as senior veterans and are expected to lead by example in all regards.

Senior Lance Bombardier

Senior Lance Bombardier is the highest achievable rank of the within the Lance Bombardier Billet. These members are held in the highest regard and are often long-term veterans of the unit. They are professionals in the respective call signs and often step up for leadership or other admin based positions when called upon.